Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finds for October 28, 2010

 This picture is not very good quality . . . sorry! I went to an antique store today as well as Savers. I was so excited to find bell charms! The bag cost me $6.

 And yes . . . I am crazy enough to wear these.

 The antique store had a couple of Monchichhis for $1.50 each.

 Not sure why I bought the clown PVCs lol.

And something I have never seen before: a Cabbage Patch Kids playset! I'll have to do some research on if it is complete or not.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun with the Get Along Gang!

Hey friends!

The year was 1985 and we had just moved into a rented house. My mother surprised me with a funny little caboose play set and a few figures along with a book featuring a fun group of friends: The Get Along Gang!

This summer I was happy to find my friends again and here they are!

My little girl loves to play with these! And yes, I do let my kids play with all my old toys. They are very respectful with them.

I think I need to try and get my hands on the UK exclusive GAG figures. Here's a picture I found:

So many toys, so little money! Lol.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Finds fo October 25th 2010

What a great time at the thrift store!!

I am over the moon about the PJ Sparkles doll, especially since she has her original socks and shoes! I got one of these when I was about 9 years old on Christmas Eve and loved her! Now, I need to check if she works and do a little day at the salon.

There in the back (that weird bunny thing) is a 1960's Easter musical spinning bunny.

 I am also super excited about the Peppermint Rose puzzle. 

Found me a Care Bear mug for hot chocolate (I'm not a coffee drinker). And a Kewpie, which are fun.

 And a hoard of Sky dancer bases. I am not sure why I keep buying these. I have so many. My kids do like them.

And an Aurora plush Sky Dancer (like Caterpillars). She's in super excellent shape and is up for trade!

My five-year-old thinks this throne was the find of the day. I bought it for only TWO BUCKS!! That's cheaper than a garage sale. It had a lot of the jewelry and accessories with it too and my dog loved it :)


Yay!! I just won my grail pony! I received Streaky on my 10th birthday, the last pony I ever received in childhood. For months I have been looking for one with the factory curls and last night I won her! Fortunately, I had some eBay bucks so out of pocket she was only about $6. This is great because others I have seen with factory curls have gone for $15+ yay!! So happy!

Christmas is already on my mind. This year my eight-year-old wants Monster High dolls. They are a little pricey though, so I will have to only get her a couple. When I was a child my mother spoiled me rotten on Christmas (we were poor the rest of the year) so I naturally spoil my kids too.I wish I had the money to spoil myself :)

Oh yeah, and remember my post last week about the Precious Places Magic Key Mansion? I found some pictures of me when I was ten on Christmas day:

Today I am going thrifting. It's cold and snowy here in Utah so I hope not too many people are there to compete for the goodies. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stuff I got in the mail today

First up, a Precious Places furniture set I won for $5.15 shipped :)

 Here's a picture of what the inside of the Magic Key Mansion looks like when fully furnished. I had this when I was a kid and sold it at a garage sale. I am working on getting the whole collection. With the furniture sets you pretty much have to get them MIB because the pieces are often smaller than a dime.

Here's the set unwrapped. HAPPY!!

Next up, a trade I did with mayanbutterfly on MLPTP. This is called the Country Cuddlers playset. Yay for Smooshees!

Last but not least, a couple of other trades. Surprise is from awhile ago but Ringlets is new. She had her comb too! 

It's funny, I have gone to three thrift stores this week and have found pretty much NOTHING. Well . . . nothing toy-related, that is. I did find this awesome old typewriter made by Royal which is somewhere around 70-80 years old. Still works too!

I really do need to start finding fun stuff at thrift stores soon or else I might get too lost on eBay :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Puzzles at thrift stores

Yesterday my sister was teasing me about buying puzzles at thrift stores. She said, "Why buy them if they aren't sealed?" She's right, but it's a fifty-cent gamble and I like puzzles. Luckily both puzzles were complete!

The first was a She-ra puzzle (yay!)

The second is this Whitman Fantasy puzzle. I have had the Disney and Loony Tunes ones too and they are a lot of fun to put together. The back of the puzzle has a silhouette key as to the name of every character. Even though I am not a huge Marvel fan, I do love the Whitman Fantasy puzzles. The pictures below are from last year when we completed the other two puzzles (that's my daughter in the picture). Those two puzzles were passed on to other owners but I would like to find them again!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finds fo October 16th 2010

What do you know! Right after I posted I went to see my grandma with my sister and she wanted to stop at a thrift store. Here's what I found:

Finds fo October 15th 2010

First day of driving and I celebrated by THRIFTING!!

My finds:

Monchhichi, LLL, Care Bear, Maple Stirrup, Joseph Original Bank, Troll, VooDoo bunny, cute raccoon (looks like a Strawberry Shortcake item).

Why do I find Lady Lovely Locks so often? This is like the fourth time this year! I might use her as a custom to dress in one of my newly acquired LLL fashions.
Unfortunately Maple has a hair cut! Darn! Loved this horse as a kid.

My voodoo bunnies together. Don't know why, but I think they are funny. 

By the way, I found this dragon in my basement! Look at all the pixietails!

It's a SWARM!!

 My Joseph piggy close-up!

 I also traded for a minty flat-footed Minty!

Friday, October 15, 2010

An interesting idea! Backgrounds for your toys!

I got an email blast about this new website where you can download and print backgrounds for your toys. I for one think this is an especially clever idea. I have always wanted to do something like this. The closest I have ever gottten was when I made this background for my toys years ago:

I miss this display! I might do some in cardboard next (the others were on paper and they don't store well) maybe make free-standing pieces that can be arranged differently like rainbows and trees and stuff. That would be a fun project!