Both were very stained, with gerying faces and hands. The dark-haird one even had some food substance all over her face, neck and chest. I decided I needed to save these poor gals, post haste!
I stripped them down and prepped a cocktail of detergent and fels naptha paste, which I applied with a toothbrush to all the messy spots.
You might recall this post where I show my new method of spot-cleaning my stuffed animals using a Waterpik flossing system. I wish I got a video of how easily all the gunk came off with the water pressure. It was amazing! Dirt just vanished away, like counter crud in some sort of infomercial. If I find another dingy doll I promise to make a video, it was fun and cool and not hard on the dollies at all!
Here they are, wet but clean!
After they dried I applied new makeup using watercolor pencils. Don't they look pretty!
Click on the image to see!
Time to do their hair!
I scrounged up an outfit for the knot-top and washed the original jammies blondie came in.
And voila! New dolls!
I put them up on my little white shelf along with my other two My Child Dolls. I have given them names too!
Here we have: Ebony, Robbie, Allie and Erica.
I must say as a side note, I have had the most horrible couple of weeks at work and just in general. I am so grateful I have toys to help get me through. They are faithful friends who always help get my mind off things.